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Game Server Management

We offer privilege to our client’s by implementing additional features like Rcon to administer the game servers effectively.

Game Server Management

In general, game servers are very complex and are not easy to manage yourself. There are cases where you have to spend hours to get your messed game server up again. ITServerAdmin is a prominent game server management company offering multiple level game support services across numerous platforms. Our game support services take out the complexity out of gaming and make managing your game servers an easy task by offering 24/7 game server management services with a team of highly experienced professionals who are capable of resolving your queries fast and accurate as possible and we are experts in Arma 3 server setup, Minecraft server management, tcadmin support, CSGO game server management etc.

Our Game Server Management Workflow

We use a three stage workflow to properly secure and monitor our client’s Game servers.

Getting Started

We start by performing a security evaluation of your Game server to identify any vulnerabilities which could expose your server to malicious attacks.

All service configuration files are examined to identify issues potentially causing performance degradation and security vulnerabilities.

Security & Performance

Our team hardens your Game server's Kernel, protecting it against several types of network attacks.

Web Application Firewall Installation and configuration using our custom ruleset, which protects your applications from common attacks.

Performance optimization of Nginx, Apache, MySQL, and other server applications to improve resource usage and performance.

A close watch

We add your Game servers to our monitoring center, which has over 15 alarm triggers, providing us with a constant flow of data from your server.

Your Game server backups are added to our custom monitoring system, so we can ensure that your data is safe.

We begin to monitor your Game server 24x7x365 and we are ready to respond to any incidents.


We design, install, configure and maintain servers, ensuring optimal functionality and security for your business.

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Our Game Server Management Process

Here are just a few of the benefits obtained by having ITServerAdmin manage your Game servers:


We offer dedicated game server installations which empower you to attain control over your gaming environment and more customization options.

Server Monitoring
Server Monitoring

Our game support services experts monitor your game servers 24/7 and respond swiftly to the server alerts. We use different tools like Nagios/Zabbix to monitor your servers.

Sysadmin Tasks
Sysadmin Tasks

We take responsibility for maintaining your software and security updates, server monitoring, server security etc


Dedicated game servers come with a wide range of configuration options. ITServerAdmin are experts in configuring your game servers considering the aspects of each game thereby uniquely controlling the behavior of each game.


We are a renowned game support services firm in offering reliable and efficient game server troubleshooting services. We render our service as per the client’s requirements in a quick turnaround time.

Security Configuration & Auditing
Security Configuration & Auditing

We monitor and tweak your game servers to escape vulnerabilities and attacks. Our experts keep an eye on security threats 24/7 and audit your game server frequently to make sure everything is in order.