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DirectAdmin Server Management

Starting a hosting server…? Having issues managing all the customers on the server? No more worries, we are here to help you 24/7. As we already know, unlike cPanel or Plesk DirectAdmin is best for starters in case of cost. But managing a Directadmin by yourself might be hard as the customer’s increases, the requirement also increases rapidly. We have techs available all the time ready to help you with any kind of issues or satisfy any requirements on your server. Need a custom plugin support that a website needs? Just send an email and it will be installed and properly configured.

Whatever services you are running on your server, we will make sure you get the most uptime ever recorded before for your services. We always need to check the resource usage of the server to make sure it doesn’t crash for your users. For instance, if memory is too low, the OOM killer will be active and it will stop the critical services. We cannot afford that. Our monthly audit helps with that. It checks the resource usage of your server and the report will have all the information you need. Not just resource usage, pending updates, and malware analysis is also included in the report. This will make things a lot easier for you.

For any online services, a lot of aspects like Backup, vulnerability checks, patching flaws are a must. We got all that covered. You can focus on your business while we take care of your server. Need something done on the server? Open your phone and send an email and it will be done within 30 minutes. Interested in talking to us directly? Just send your requirement in Skype and our technicians are ready to help as always. No matter what the situations or time is, we will be here ready to help you with any server-related tasks or resolve issues.

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